Input and output (

SciPy has many modules, classes, and functions available to read data from and write data to a variety of file formats.

See also (in Numpy)

MATLAB® files

loadmat(file_name[, mdict, appendmat]) Load MATLAB file.
savemat(file_name, mdict[, appendmat, …]) Save a dictionary of names and arrays into a MATLAB-style .mat file.
whosmat(file_name[, appendmat]) List variables inside a MATLAB file.

IDL® files

readsav(file_name[, idict, python_dict, …]) Read an IDL .sav file.

Matrix Market files

mminfo(source) Return size and storage parameters from Matrix Market file-like ‘source’.
mmread(source) Reads the contents of a Matrix Market file-like ‘source’ into a matrix.
mmwrite(target, a[, comment, field, …]) Writes the sparse or dense array a to Matrix Market file-like target.

Unformatted Fortran files

FortranFile(filename[, mode, header_dtype]) A file object for unformatted sequential files from Fortran code.


netcdf_file(filename[, mode, mmap, version, …]) A file object for NetCDF data.
netcdf_variable(data, typecode, size, shape, …) A data object for the netcdf module.

Harwell-Boeing files

hb_read(path_or_open_file) Read HB-format file.
hb_write(path_or_open_file, m[, hb_info]) Write HB-format file.

Wav sound files (

read(filename[, mmap]) Open a WAV file
write(filename, rate, data) Write a numpy array as a WAV file.

Arff files (

loadarff(f) Read an arff file.
MetaData(rel, attr) Small container to keep useful information on a ARFF dataset.