Source code for sympy.calculus.singularities


This module implements algorithms for finding singularities for a function
and identifying types of functions.

The differential calculus methods in this module include methods to identify
the following function types in the given ``Interval``:
- Increasing
- Strictly Increasing
- Decreasing
- Strictly Decreasing
- Monotonic


from sympy.core.sympify import sympify
from sympy.solvers.solveset import solveset
from sympy.simplify import simplify
from sympy import S, Symbol

[docs]def singularities(expression, symbol): """ Find singularities of a given function. Parameters ========== expression : Expr The target function in which singularities need to be found. symbol : Symbol The symbol over the values of which the singularity in expression in being searched for. Returns ======= Set A set of values for ``symbol`` for which ``expression`` has a singularity. An ``EmptySet`` is returned if ``expression`` has no singularities for any given value of ``Symbol``. Raises ====== NotImplementedError The algorithm to find singularities for irrational functions has not been implemented yet. Notes ===== This function does not find non-isolated singularities nor does it find branch points of the expression. Currently supported functions are: - univariate rational (real or complex) functions References ========== .. [1] Examples ======== >>> from sympy.calculus.singularities import singularities >>> from sympy import Symbol >>> x = Symbol('x', real=True) >>> y = Symbol('y', real=False) >>> singularities(x**2 + x + 1, x) EmptySet() >>> singularities(1/(x + 1), x) {-1} >>> singularities(1/(y**2 + 1), y) {-I, I} >>> singularities(1/(y**3 + 1), y) {-1, 1/2 - sqrt(3)*I/2, 1/2 + sqrt(3)*I/2} """ if not expression.is_rational_function(symbol): raise NotImplementedError( "Algorithms finding singularities for non-rational" " functions are not yet implemented." ) else: domain = S.Reals if symbol.is_real else S.Complexes return solveset(simplify(1 / expression), symbol, domain)
########################################################################### # DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS METHODS # ###########################################################################
[docs]def monotonicity_helper(expression, predicate, interval=S.Reals, symbol=None): """ Helper function for functions checking function monotonicity. Parameters ========== expression : Expr The target function which is being checked predicate : function The property being tested for. The function takes in an integer and returns a boolean. The integer input is the derivative and the boolean result should be true if the property is being held, and false otherwise. interval : Set, optional The range of values in which we are testing, defaults to all reals. symbol : Symbol, optional The symbol present in expression which gets varied over the given range. It returns a boolean indicating whether the interval in which the function's derivative satisfies given predicate is a superset of the given interval. Returns ======= Boolean True if ``predicate`` is true for all the derivatives when ``symbol`` is varied in ``range``, False otherwise. """ expression = sympify(expression) free = expression.free_symbols if symbol is None: if len(free) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( 'The function has not yet been implemented' ' for all multivariate expressions.' ) variable = symbol or (free.pop() if free else Symbol('x')) derivative = expression.diff(variable) predicate_interval = solveset(predicate(derivative), variable, S.Reals) return interval.is_subset(predicate_interval)
[docs]def is_increasing(expression, interval=S.Reals, symbol=None): """ Return whether the function is increasing in the given interval. Parameters ========== expression : Expr The target function which is being checked. interval : Set, optional The range of values in which we are testing (defaults to set of all real numbers). symbol : Symbol, optional The symbol present in expression which gets varied over the given range. Returns ======= Boolean True if ``expression`` is increasing (either strictly increasing or constant) in the given ``interval``, False otherwise. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import is_increasing >>> from import x, y >>> from sympy import S, Interval, oo >>> is_increasing(x**3 - 3*x**2 + 4*x, S.Reals) True >>> is_increasing(-x**2, Interval(-oo, 0)) True >>> is_increasing(-x**2, Interval(0, oo)) False >>> is_increasing(4*x**3 - 6*x**2 - 72*x + 30, Interval(-2, 3)) False >>> is_increasing(x**2 + y, Interval(1, 2), x) True """ return monotonicity_helper(expression, lambda x: x >= 0, interval, symbol)
[docs]def is_strictly_increasing(expression, interval=S.Reals, symbol=None): """ Return whether the function is strictly increasing in the given interval. Parameters ========== expression : Expr The target function which is being checked. interval : Set, optional The range of values in which we are testing (defaults to set of all real numbers). symbol : Symbol, optional The symbol present in expression which gets varied over the given range. Returns ======= Boolean True if ``expression`` is strictly increasing in the given ``interval``, False otherwise. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import is_strictly_increasing >>> from import x, y >>> from sympy import Interval, oo >>> is_strictly_increasing(4*x**3 - 6*x**2 - 72*x + 30, Interval.Ropen(-oo, -2)) True >>> is_strictly_increasing(4*x**3 - 6*x**2 - 72*x + 30, Interval.Lopen(3, oo)) True >>> is_strictly_increasing(4*x**3 - 6*x**2 - 72*x + 30,, 3)) False >>> is_strictly_increasing(-x**2, Interval(0, oo)) False >>> is_strictly_increasing(-x**2 + y, Interval(-oo, 0), x) False """ return monotonicity_helper(expression, lambda x: x > 0, interval, symbol)
[docs]def is_decreasing(expression, interval=S.Reals, symbol=None): """ Return whether the function is decreasing in the given interval. Parameters ========== expression : Expr The target function which is being checked. interval : Set, optional The range of values in which we are testing (defaults to set of all real numbers). symbol : Symbol, optional The symbol present in expression which gets varied over the given range. Returns ======= Boolean True if ``expression`` is decreasing (either strictly decreasing or constant) in the given ``interval``, False otherwise. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import is_decreasing >>> from import x, y >>> from sympy import S, Interval, oo >>> is_decreasing(1/(x**2 - 3*x),, 3)) True >>> is_decreasing(1/(x**2 - 3*x), Interval.Lopen(3, oo)) True >>> is_decreasing(1/(x**2 - 3*x), Interval.Ropen(-oo, S(3)/2)) False >>> is_decreasing(-x**2, Interval(-oo, 0)) False >>> is_decreasing(-x**2 + y, Interval(-oo, 0), x) False """ return monotonicity_helper(expression, lambda x: x <= 0, interval, symbol)
[docs]def is_strictly_decreasing(expression, interval=S.Reals, symbol=None): """ Return whether the function is strictly decreasing in the given interval. Parameters ========== expression : Expr The target function which is being checked. interval : Set, optional The range of values in which we are testing (defaults to set of all real numbers). symbol : Symbol, optional The symbol present in expression which gets varied over the given range. Returns ======= Boolean True if ``expression`` is strictly decreasing in the given ``interval``, False otherwise. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import is_strictly_decreasing >>> from import x, y >>> from sympy import S, Interval, oo >>> is_strictly_decreasing(1/(x**2 - 3*x), Interval.Lopen(3, oo)) True >>> is_strictly_decreasing(1/(x**2 - 3*x), Interval.Ropen(-oo, S(3)/2)) False >>> is_strictly_decreasing(-x**2, Interval(-oo, 0)) False >>> is_strictly_decreasing(-x**2 + y, Interval(-oo, 0), x) False """ return monotonicity_helper(expression, lambda x: x < 0, interval, symbol)
[docs]def is_monotonic(expression, interval=S.Reals, symbol=None): """ Return whether the function is monotonic in the given interval. Parameters ========== expression : Expr The target function which is being checked. interval : Set, optional The range of values in which we are testing (defaults to set of all real numbers). symbol : Symbol, optional The symbol present in expression which gets varied over the given range. Returns ======= Boolean True if ``expression`` is monotonic in the given ``interval``, False otherwise. Raises ====== NotImplementedError Monotonicity check has not been implemented for the queried function. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import is_monotonic >>> from import x, y >>> from sympy import S, Interval, oo >>> is_monotonic(1/(x**2 - 3*x),, 3)) True >>> is_monotonic(1/(x**2 - 3*x), Interval.Lopen(3, oo)) True >>> is_monotonic(x**3 - 3*x**2 + 4*x, S.Reals) True >>> is_monotonic(-x**2, S.Reals) False >>> is_monotonic(x**2 + y + 1, Interval(1, 2), x) True """ expression = sympify(expression) free = expression.free_symbols if symbol is None and len(free) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( 'is_monotonic has not yet been implemented' ' for all multivariate expressions.' ) variable = symbol or (free.pop() if free else Symbol('x')) turning_points = solveset(expression.diff(variable), variable, interval) return interval.intersection(turning_points) is S.EmptySet